Observations and stories from across the planet.
Where I'm headed right now
Wednesday 31 March 2021
Deep Gap to Tellico Gap, embarking on a few days along the Appalachian Trail in North Carolina.
My good pal hit me up recently to join for a few days on the AT, and that's an opportunity I can't pass up. Its been planned for a few weeks, but its taken me quite a while to find motivation to get my gear organized. I'm hitting the road tomorrow and finally inspected the gear and got the pack filled. I'll be driving to the Topton, NC area and staying in a little roadside cabin so I can meet up with my compadre and his pup early friday morning at Tellico Gap, our end point, he'll leave his car there and we'll carpool to Deep Gap, our starting point, then have five days to trek about 44 miles. I am ready for blistery feet, rubbery legs, and a sore back in the backwoods of the Old Frontier of Appalachia.